Welcome to Our Church

We meet in the OU Wesley Building located at the corner of Lindsey and Elm (428 W. Lindsey). The parking lot is directly south of the building and you can enter through the south door. Once inside you’ll see a lounge with tables, couches, and a ping pong table. The chapel is on the northwest corner of the building.

Children and Adult classes are from 9:30 to 10:15.

Worship will begin at 10:30.

Sample Order of Worship

Trinity’s linktree

If you have questions, email: admin@trinitynorman.com

We are a church that tells that story which is made known in Genesis through Revelation. To those who receive this story, it is gospel, or good news and that story changes everyone who receives it.

Click on this photo to worship with us online.


Tri Pres Blog

Reformed Confessions “Cheat Sheet”

As a reformed presbyterian minister, the history of the Protestant Reformation (particularly the written summaries of biblical doctrine) interests me. Nonetheless, I am not merely interested in history and ancient documents for their own sake. Rather, Reformed creeds and confessions intrigue me because they contained summaries of the gospel of Jesus Christ for which the…

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