Two ways of running the race (romans 9:30-33)

Main Point: In Ch. 9, Paul is offering responses to objections to the doctrine of justification by faith based on misunderstandings of the doctrine of election. First, did God’s word fail (9:6)? Second, does this mean that God is not fair (9:14)? Third, why would God judge sinners if they are fulfilling what God purposed (v19)? Paul summarizes the relation of justification and election, by giving us a clear litmus test to know who is truly righteous or elect and it involves how he or she responds to Jesus Christ.
I. All the Elect Will Obtain Righteousness by Faith (v30)
II. No one Will Obtain Righteousness through His/Her Conformity to a Law
III. The Difference in the Elect and Non-Elect, Therefore, Is His/Her
Stumbling Over vs Trusting in Jesus Christ. (v32b-33)


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