'Jesus Christ' tagged posts (Page 9)

Now Those Are Great Questions!

“Now, those are great questions!” In his days walking the earth in Israel, Jesus heard many dumb questions by his apostles like Peter and his opponents like the Sadduccees and Pharisees, but I imagine that when Jesus saw Zachery Ursinus’ pen form the letters on the paper in 1563 as he wrote the Heidelberg Catechism, the glorified Jesus must have exclaimed, “Now those are great questions!”

The Enduring Community: Gospel-Centered?

Trinity Presbyterian Church is Gospel-Centered. Just like the church has historically always been gospel-centered. We shouldn’t have to say this. Every church should be gospel-centered. But many are not. It is so bad that I often hear from Christians who have difficulty finding gospel-centered churches. I wonder why some churches are not gospel-centered. Could it…