This Sunday, we’ll begin our next Sunday school series. We are a confessional church. The best summary of what the Bible teaches is found in the Westminster Confession of Faith. Chad Van Dixhoorn writes,
By 1646 the assembly had managed to finish its landmark confession. The end product was worth celebrating then and still is today. Indeed the assembly’s statement of faith is a truly remarkable text in the history of Chrsitianity, and all who peruse its pages will find a sure-footed summary of truth for life.
Van Dixhoorn, Confessing the Faith.
It is my prayer that the Westminster Confession of Faith will become for you, as it has become for me, a reliable guide to scripture, which is the only reliable guide whereby we can know God. Join us for class prior to worship at the Wesley, from 9:45-10:15 am. We’ll read and discuss portions of confession each Sunday and see how it For further reading and resources about the Westminster Confession of Faith, I direct you to the fine study guides written by G. I. Williamson, A.A. Hodge, and Chad Van Dixhoorn.
One Comment
Really good stuff. Worth my time to read and study.
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