Run to worship? Why do you worship? Is running to worship something you have ever considered? While worship is directed to God (doxology), it blesses the worshipping believer. Cody expresses why, he and his family, run to worship at Trinty Pres. The gospel of Jesus Christ is delicious-gospelicious. The gospel draws us to God. At Trinity, we do not attend worship services in order to catch a feeling or an emotional high from his church in order to power through his week. As you can clearly hear, Cody has tasted and seen the beauty of God expressed in the gospel. He doesn’t need another man-centered lecture, more entertainment, or more tips for life. He has learned that he needs to know Jesus.
We Have a Need to Run to Worship: Gospel-centered corporate worship serves to remind gospel amnesiacs living in a legalistic world about their immeasurably rich hope in Christ. Cody longs to commune with his Lord who has graciously reconciled His Heavenly Father to sinners. Through gospel-centered worship at Trinity Presbyterian Church of Norman, Cody and his family get to grow in the grace and knowledge of his Lord.
Worship We Run Toward: Each week, Cody and all of our members confess our sinfulness and then hear the words that the blood of Christ cleanses us of all our sins. We discover how we have not glorified God as we should and our sins are like crimson, but the good news is that voice of God does not thunder judgment down on his elect. The Son of God received the judgment in our place. The saints hear, “You have been washed whiter than snow,” and “here let me take your filthy rags, and now you put on the righteousness robes of Christ.” What a blessing!
Run to the Gospel: If you are not sure why the gospel is good news for you, we invite you to join us for a worship service this Sunday and discover the truth for yourself. This truth about who Jesus is and what he did is simply too important to not immediately investigate.
Story of a Church That Runs to Worship: In 2016, we were called to start a church where we lived, in Norman, Oklahoma. God called many others to join us, and in September of 2021, God began Trinity Presbyterian Church of Norman. If you’re reading this description, we hope that you understand: This is God’s world. We are either rebels against Him, or we are His worshippers. The good news is that you can be reconciled to God, forgiven of your sin, and declared righteous through faith in Jesus Christ who died and rose from the dead and currently calls men and women from all tribes, tongues, and nations to believe in Him alone for salvation. Repent, believe, and be baptized. Do not delay any longer. Apart from Jesus and His bride, the church, you’ll live under fear of God’s wrath and judgment. The alternative is to hear the gospel, believe, and receive:
Justification- God declares sinners to be righteous and no longer guilty of sin. This was accomplished by Christ in the first century and received by faith alone,
Sanctification- we experience God’s work in us in the present. This involves the lessening of the power of sin as the Holy Spirit wraps you into the life of Jesus as we diligently use the ordinary means of grace available to all believers,
and Glorification: With all of this good news of justification and sanctification, there is so much more still to come. Believers (and all of creation) presently groan under the remaining curse of sin, but we trust in our future hope that the presence of sin, misery, and curse will be no more when Christ returns to establish the new heaven and the new earth.
An Invitation to Run to Worship with Us: We invite you to join and participate in the church- the only community you’ll ever join that will endure beyond your lifespan in this age and extend into the age to come. It’s the enduring community: the church. We believe this church is too important to fail. If you are interested in learning more, you can visit our website: trinitynorman.com. You can explore ways you can serve on our resource page. We invite you to listen to some of the stories of our members here on this channel. If you have questions about the church or Christianity and you’re local, we would be glad to send either our pastor or one of our elders to visit with you, just reach out to admin@trinitynorman.com. Cody, in the video, is one of our elders.
We call you to worship with us each Sunday at 10:30am at 428 W. Lindsey.
We invite you to join and participate in the church- the only community you’ll ever join that will endure beyond your lifespan in this age and extend into the age to come. It’s the enduring community: the church.
We believe this church is too important to fail. If you are interested in learning more, you can visit our website: trinitynorman.com. You can explore ways you can serve on our resource page.