A sad fact has been reported by many researchers that many young people raised in churches have less knowledge of scripture and theology than their atheist and agnostic contemporaries. We must do battle against this trend. When we planted this church, we were not unaware of this reality. In view of this need, Justin has been leading a “trinity kids” moment in the service since our first services, but as God has called saints to join us, we feel that the time is right to begin to engage in corporate catechism instruction in a more concentrated way.
Praise God with us that tomorrow morning we have a slight modification to our meeting that we hope and pray furthers that end. Dr. Ryan Bisel, our new pastoral associate, will be leading a catechism class for the children. We are excited about this class as a small, next step in helping families in our community grow in the grace of the Lord and love Norman.
With the protestant reformation and the restoration of the true worship of God, the scriptures were translated into the common language. Bibles, psalm books, prayer books, and catechisms became standard resources in Christian homes. We pray for and seek a reforming work of the Holy Spirit in our city, state, nation, and the world through lively worship and renewal in Christian homes. Might God shape families and communities and reverse the course of the drift toward biblical and theological illiteracy as the rich theological truths of the reformed catechisms inhabit and rest in our souls.
We are excited about this new class as the next step in our serving families in our community. We’ll kick off with Call to Worship at 10:30 at 428 W. Lindsey. The children will worship with us, and then at a time indicated (during the singing of the Gloria Patri) they will depart and meet with our leaders of the class. Following the class, they will return to the service for the last part of the sermon and the Lord’s Supper and benediction. Our sermon tomorrow will be on Romans 1:5-7 and is called, “Grace Precedes Faith” See yall in the morning. Please reach out to us at admin@trinitynorman.com if you have any questions