This is the second supplementary blogpost for our current sermon series on the books of 1 & 2 Samuel.

Last week, we saw how David was a man after God’s own heart and how that heart should embrace certain definite purposes of God’s design for his people. Namely, we are to be embrace our dignity and humility in being God’s image bearers. We are to be committed to multiplying (forming more image-bearers) and exercising dominion (bringing whichever jewels of the kingdom that the Lord has placed in our care into its fullest purpose according to God’s revealed will).

The next four Sundays of September we will be examining 1 Samuel 17 which contains the longest story of the book of Samuel (the David and Goliath story). Join us in person and on our youtube channel as we unpack this significant and famous story.

Trinity Presbyterian Church worships together each Sunday morning from 10:30 til Noon at 428 W Lindsey St in Norman, Oklahoma.


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