We Are an Organized Church!

What began as the Westmorelands’ hope for a new church for Norman materialized as Justin was called by the ARP presbytery of Florida to explore planting in Norman in April of 2016. A small group gathered to pray and study God’s word in Justin’s kitchen and then on the campus of OU where he served as a campus minister. In February of 2017, many were called to participate as we began weekly worship. After baptisms, marriages, births, growth, set-backs, and then Covid-19 and the turmoil of 2020, many saints were called to participate in the work and God called Cody Wampler, John Mantooth, and Ross McClish to be our first officers as our church became organized on September 19, 2021.

You can watch a recording of our organization service here. We were encouraged in worshiping and hearing God’s word read, preached, sang, prayed, and seen. We also renewed our membership vows to our Covenant LORD. It was a special Sunday!

We feasted with gratitude in our hearts as we enjoyed a wonderful celebratory meal together after the service.

As Aaron the high priest and now many ministers have pronounced God’s blessing upon congregations thought-out the earth and through the centuries, we say,

May the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26

that Trinity Presbyterian may accomplish its mission of gathering and perfecting the saints in Norman, Oklahoma, and beyond. To God be the glory!