We are Unapologetically Covenantal! Tri Pres Daily 9/22/2021

Covenantal is one of our church’s distinctive (see here). Covenant Theology summarizes a biblical way of understanding the bible.

On Covenant Theology, Chancellor of Reformed Theological Seminary, Ligon Duncan writes:

Covenant theology “puts the Bible together” by appreciating the importance of the divine covenants. That is, covenant theology is an approach to understanding the meaning of the Scriptures (what theologians call a “hermeneutic”), that recognizes the central significance of the scriptural covenants in structuring redemptive history. To say it another way, covenant theology explains the relationship between God and humanity in terms of divinely initiated covenants that also structure the history of redemption revealed in Scripture because divine covenants in the Bible provide an exegetical, thematic, and theological framework for seeing the overarching unity as well as progress in God’s plan of salvation. Hence, drawing upon and deploying the Bible’s teaching about, and use of, the covenants, Covenant theology seeks to give an account of the unity and continuity, as well as the discontinuity and progress, in the promise and fulfillment of the unfolding history of redemption.

See more here

Read Ligon Duncan’s full article here. We believe in the perspicuity of scripture, meaning

All things in Scripture are not alike plain in themselves, nor alike clear unto all: yet those things which are necessary to be known, believed, and observed for salvation, are so clearly propounded, and opened in some place of Scripture or other, that not only the learned, but the unlearned, in a due use of the ordinary means, may attain unto a sufficient understanding of them.

Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 1 Section 7

With such a multitude of resources out there in this information age, our understanding of scripture can grow less clear, or more confused, as we bounce from one tweet, video clip, blog, devotion, or sermon from various sources without a solid framework to assimilate the date we are receiving. If you are struggling to make sense of the bible, perhaps you have never been instructed by a church with leadership that is not only biblical but also confessional and covenantal. The best place to begin to understand the Bible is through week after week and year after year investing in corporate worship at a covenantal church. We invite you to join us in worship at Trinity Presbyterian Church every Sunday at 10:30 at 428 W. Lindsey St. or at any of our mid-week bible studies. You can also view our services online and a developing walk through the bible on our Pastor’s Youtube channel.

To study the Westminster Confession of Faith, cited above, you can find resources online here.